The first in the history of the victim of a road collision

The first in the history of the victim of a road collision

 The first in the history of accidents involving pedestrians, which resulted in a fatal outcome, there were over a hundred years ago, and more precisely on August 17, 1896. Victim was the 44-year-old mother of two children Brigitte Driscoll.

In London the «Anglo-French automobile company» showed the audience a new car, at the wheel was the employee of the company Arthur Edsell. According to the rules of safety measures car had to move with a speed of 4 miles per hour, but Edsell twice as it is possible, trying to impress the young lady that wants to take a ride on the «miracle-novelty». The driving experience Arthur Edsell was only three weeks.

According to eyewitnesses, the car was moving from the «high speed», while the driver and the passenger of lively conversation. Mrs. Driscoll decided to cross the road, not noticing the fencing and warning signs informing on the movement of vehicles with an engine. Noticing rushing at her strange cart without a horse, Brigitte tried to protect themselves with an umbrella, but failed.

Proceedings of the first in the history of traffic accidents with fatal outcome lasted six hours. As a result the court the jury came to the conclusion that this was an «accidental death», and the criminal case against the company car and the unfortunate driver was not initiated. The verdict read: «Mrs. Driscoll has become a victim of its own negligence», and at the trial the judge said: «It never has to happen.»

Interesting facts about cars

 Interesting facts about cars

"When racing car driving on the highway, between its bottom and the road can be very low pressures, sufficient to raise the cover sewer. So has occurred, for example, in Montreal in 1990 on the race sport prototypes - cover, raised by one of the cars hit the next car, because of what started the fire and the race was stopped. So now all the racing cars on city streets cover welded to the rim of the hatch.

- A car Mitsubishi Pajero in the market of Spain presented as Mitsubishi Montero, as the local jargon word ‘pajero’ means «Onanist».

- When the vehicle turns, to decrease the wear and tear of the wheels need to едущее on the inner radius of the wheel spun slowly. In order to make the wheels on one axle rotated with different angular velocities, apply a mechanical device - differential. Despite its complexity, a similar device was already known to the ancient Greeks, for example, in the Antikythera mechanism, which is essentially a mechanical computer and is used to calculate the motions of the Sun and the moon.

- In the races of Formula 1 women can participate on an equal basis with men. But in all the history of the competitions they take part only five women, of which only two were able to overcome the skills and finish the race. In 1975, one of them - Italian Lele Lombardi - managed in one of the Grand Prix of the score, the more you repeat this success could neither one woman.

In 1930 the Americans Charles Creighton and James Hargis made the journey by car from new York to Los Angeles and back. The zest was that the whole way (more than 11 thousand kilometers) they had in the back of the course.

- The car GAZ-21 there have been many modifications. In 1965, was even released the model of GAS-21П - export variant with the right wheel. And in the same year made GAS-21ПЕ - the same model with the right wheel plus automatic transmission.

- In 2007 in England acted in the sale of cartridges for the automobiles with the village of mud. They willingly buy owners of SUVs, which will never go out of the city, but want to justify the main purpose of their machines.

- Driving in a state of intoxication severely punished in most countries of the world. But in Uruguay, on the contrary, in violation of the rules of road motion of the state of alcohol intoxication can serve as a mitigating factor.

- In cars Porsche ignition key is usually located to the left of the steering wheel. This tradition goes back to the first 24-hour race of Le Mans. Then the drivers had to run to their cars, jump on them and start a movement. Finding the ignition key is turned to the left offered a quick start.

- The word of the Land in the name of the car ‘Land Cruiser’ Toyota borrowed in the name of another company (the ‘Land Rover’. And before that ‘Land Cruiser’ was called the Toyota Jeep, as the Japanese thought that jeep is a type of machines, although in fact the trade mark of the Jeep belonging to the company Chrysler.

- Export the name of the car Lada Kalina to Finland - Lada 119, as in translation from Finnish Kalina means crack, rattle, rattle and knock.

- When developing the automobile «Pobeda» was planned, that the name of the machine will be the «Motherland». Having learned of this, he sarcastically asked, «Well, how much we will have a homeland?». That is why the name should be changed to «Win».

- South African legislation allows any degree of self-defense, if we are talking about the threats to the life and property of the individual. For the protection of vehicles against theft popular traps, stun guns and even flame-throwers.

- In a number of European countries cars «Zhiguli» was sold under the brand name «Lada», because of its Association with a doubtful word «gigolo».

Woman and auto - how it all began!

Woman and auto - how it all began!

The history of relations between the woman and the car started in 1888 and it was connected with the name of Bertha Benz, the wife of Karl Benz, the inventor of the first truly working-self-gasoline crew, patented the two years earlier. Together with his sons Frau Bert has made the first trip to the town of Pforzheim, overcoming 180 km. Moreover, they did it in secret from Karl Benz, which by that time had doubted the commercial perspective of the invention. Imperfection of the first car made the trip very difficult. For example, rises to overcome the moving crew could only with the help of physical effort passengers, while gasoline inventories had to replenish very often, buying countless bottles of gasoline, which in those days sold in pharmacies. But, in spite of everything, the goal was achieved: the Frau Benz proved that the invention her husband is not useless technical eccentricity, and the beginning of the era of the car.
In the end of XIX - the beginning of XX century, women actively participated in the development of this miracle of engineering, participated in competitions and auto races, but, of course, they were then very very little. The attitude of the contemporaries to this brave ladies were very wary: behind the wheel of a «motor», it was believed, can take only a very emancipated and eccentric lady.
Our congratulations to every woman, linking his life with the car! No nail you, no wand!

History of Ford

Ford Motor company (Ford Motor Company), the American aVtomobilnaya company, specializing in production of passenger car smuggle brands «Ford», «mercury, Lincoln, trucks, various agricultural machinery. «Ford» belongs to the company «Jaguar». The headquarters is located in Dearborn (Michigan), not far from which was once a farm parents Henry Ford.
The company was founded by Henry Ford in 1903, and in the mind of its Creator immediately was intended for the issue of mass cheap car pastors. Originally this was a model of «A», in 1908, it was replaced by the model of the «T», dubbed cartoonists «tin Lizzy». The success of the new models were so great, that is constantly expanding enterprises Ford't handle the orders. In the first year of production of this model were sold 10,660 cars, which has broken all records in aVtomobilnoy industry of the time.

History of Chevrolet

"Chevrolet" (Chevrolet Motor Division), the leading branch of the concern "General Motors", specializing in passenger car nines, pickups and SUVs. The headquarters is located in Warren, a northern suburb of Detroit (Michigan).
The company "Chevrolet Motor Car" was formed in 1911 founded the company "General Motors" by William Durant. Ceased to operate "General Motors", he vigorously create new companies. Being primarily a businessman, not an engineer, before leaving the "General Motors" Durant took with him a challenging and interesting development pastors, on the improvement of which he invited a popular racing driver Louis Chevrolet, who gave the new company's famously sonorous name.

History of Fiat

FIAT (FIAT, Fabrica Italiana Automobili Torino), the largest Italian aVtomobilnaya Corporation. Produces cars, sports utility car nines, trucks, and various industrial and agricultural equipment. The Corporation shall also belong to the company for the production of aerospace products. The headquarters is located in Turin.
The company was founded in 1899 a group of investors, among which was Giovanni Agnelli (Giovanni Lippi e Macia), and the beginning of the Assembly car nines on the license of «Renault» with engines of «De Dion». In the organization of production Agnelli from the very beginning has brought their socialist ideals about the possibilities of collaboration between employers and workers. In 1903 in Italy were eliminated tariffs on imported steel, which led to the rapid expansion of the production: the original passenger taxis, trucks, and buses, and started the production of engines for aircraft and ships.

History of peugeot

History of peugeot

Peugeot SA, the largest private French automobile company, specializing in production of passenger cars, sports and racing cars, as well as special vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles, engines. In 1974, combined with Peugeot-Citroën («Peugeot-Citroen») to form a group. The headquarters is located in Paris.

A family of Industrialists and engineers Peugeot, building their own kind to the XV century, retains its leadership positions in the company and up to the present time. The family-owned company «Brothers and sons Peugeot» in the second half of the nineteenth century produced, along with the traditional for it hardware, bicycles and parts for the crew.