History of Ford

Ford Motor company (Ford Motor Company), the American aVtomobilnaya company, specializing in production of passenger car smuggle brands «Ford», «mercury, Lincoln, trucks, various agricultural machinery. «Ford» belongs to the company «Jaguar». The headquarters is located in Dearborn (Michigan), not far from which was once a farm parents Henry Ford.
The company was founded by Henry Ford in 1903, and in the mind of its Creator immediately was intended for the issue of mass cheap car pastors. Originally this was a model of «A», in 1908, it was replaced by the model of the «T», dubbed cartoonists «tin Lizzy». The success of the new models were so great, that is constantly expanding enterprises Ford't handle the orders. In the first year of production of this model were sold 10,660 cars, which has broken all records in aVtomobilnoy industry of the time.

In the «Ford Motor» in 1913 for the first time in the world on manufacture was introduced method of standardization of interchangeable parts products and conveyor technology of Assembly car nines, which allowed for only one year to raise the productivity of labour by 40-60% . At the same time and the salary of workers and state servants increased so that exceeded the average for the industry in two times. At the enterprises introduces the eight-hour working day. By the middle of 1914 was produced 500 thousand models «T», to 1923 every second car and much more in America was made at the plant «Ford Motor».
In the 1920-1930's «Ford Motor» actively opens branches in many countries of the world, including cooperating with Soviet Russia (the creation of plants GAS, AMO). Although Henry Ford attitude toward the October revolution sharply negative, however, he thought that Russia has a great future, if she will take the path of industrial development.
In 1922 «Ford Motor» acquired the company «Lincoln», the management of which was tasked with Edsel Ford. Authoritarian management style of the older Ford become a favorite target of the left press, the refusal of the Ford tolerate the trade unions in their enterprises causes of this campaign of harassment. Together with the Americans by the end of the 1920-ies are tired of the monotonous model «T». Forth burst out competitors from the «General motors», «Ford Motor» is responsible model «Ford A», the popularity of which still falls short of the «Chevrolet» and «Buick».
The great depression of 1929 sharply reduces sale car pastors. Twice as falling wages.
In 1932, the beginning of mass production of V-shaped 8-cylinder engines. Ford Motor Company is the first company, which managed to release a solid eight-cylinder unit. There will be more many years, while competitors Ford will be able to launch the mass production of reliable engines of the V-8. Meanwhile, much more car Ford and its reliable motor became favorites of practical Americans. Opened an Assembly plant in Cologne.
Less successful was the line car nines «mercury, launched in 1938. The company nominally controls Edsel Ford, but his authority is not comparable with the authority of his father. In cases begins stagnation which lasted until the beginning of the Second world war, when the military orders trimmed case.
From 1942 to 47 yy production of civilian cars stopped abruptly, since the company has directed all its efforts on the military. Huge program of war, launched Edsel Ford, produced 8,600 four-engine bombers V-24 Liberator, 57,000 engines for aircraft and more than a quarter of a million tanks, anti-tank launchers and other military equipment in less than three years.
After the brief reign of the old man's Ford Edsel died in 1943) in 1945, the authority has passed to Henry Ford the second, breathed new life into the company.
Ford Jr. reorganizes the system of recruitment, applies to the development strategy of the company known to him from the war methods of «brainstorming», inviting a group of system analysts.
In 1949. Ford Motor Company sells approximately 807,000 car nines, increasing its profit from 94 million (in the previous year) to 177 million dollars and reaching the highest volume of sales for the period from 1929. The post-war program of reorganization of Henry Ford II allowed to quickly restore the health of a company. The result was the construction of 44 production plants, 18 of Assembly plants, 32 of warehouses of spare parts, two huge test sites and 13 of the engineering research laboratories in the United States.
Starting a series of models «Thunderbird» (Thunderbird) in 1955 and «Mustang» (Mustang), the now classic, the consolidated financial position of «Ford Motor». Attractive four-local Mustang in 1965, became the darling of America. In the first 100 days was sold 100,000 of these machines. Total sales for the year amounted to 418,812 car nines that has brought the company $ 1 billion profit.
In 1968, the first of 1.6-litre model Escort Twin Cam started her sports career, successfully opening the season and winning the ring arrival in Ireland, the Danish Tulip, the Austrian Alps, the Acropolis and in the Rally of Scotland in a period of eight weeks. To the end of his first season Escort won in the famous the 1000 lakes Rally in Finland, which helped Ford to take strong positions in the World championship on rally new car pastors. Introduction of system of electronic speed control pastors. Models with the design of the Twin Cam Escort continued to beat around the world in 1969 and 1970.
Quite common in the 1970-1980s the Western European model of the Ford Taunus / Cortina. Production of a family of universals (Kombi) Ford Taunus / Cortina began in 1970 (in German model called Taunus, there were still with the 63-th). The car made on almost all the European plants of Ford, and the name of the Cortina assigned the English version with the "right steering wheel". In January 1976, in production went significantly reworked the design of the model of the Taunus / Cortina of the second generation.
Since 1976, with the first issue of the bonnet of utility models of the Ford Econoline E-series of a new generation began to apply the elements of the chassis, engines and transmission, similar to the SUV and trucks series F. In 1992 on the market brought a new range of comfortable 7 -, 8 -, 12 - and 15-seat all-metal vans and four-door vans with a body.
Family Fiesta, there are already more than 20 years - the first generation, back in 1976. The way of life of the models of the current generation, launched at the Geneva motor show-89, nearing sunset. For 11 years the family Fiesta twice (in 1995 and 1999.) Subjected to serious restyling, which to this day remains quite modern.

Crown Victoria one of the most popular in the USA models (in police, taxi, rent, on the secondary market). Production in Canada. The debut of the model took place in 1978. The new generation of pastors was released in December 1990. Update the appearance of the - 1998.
Full-size station wagon Vgopso 1980 was a four-wheel drive pick-up truck with short base. Patency of the film is quite high, so the model for a long time remained popular (in particular, in Alaska, even after the appearance of more modern models. Vgopso began in the first half of the 1990s was one of the leaders on the Russian market among second-hand car nines of this type. In 1990, replaced by models Vgopso on the conveyor put more practical five-door universals of the Ford Explorer.
The Ford Escort is available in the US and Europe, as well as in Argentina in three variants of the body: five seater sedan, five-door wagon and coupe ZX2. Generation of two-wheel drive European Ford Escort (Mod. 80) with a transverse engine was presented in August 1980. Production of the American Ford Escort and Mercury Lynx lasted until the summer of 1990. They were replaced by models developed on the platform of the Japanese Mazda 323. In January 1995 was an improved design pastors, appeared version 4x4 with a 1.6 l engine (in 1997 edition model 4x4 terminated). In 1998 was presented convertible.
In September 1982, have appeared on the market model RWD family Sierra, with five-door bodies hatchback and station wagon (Kombi), and the beginning of the production of the three-door four-wheel-drive model (XR4x4) with a 2.8-liter V6 engine was postponed until September of 1983.
In November 1986, the first starting version 4x4 Ford Scorpio. In the end of 1991, was held a presentation of spacious station wagon Scorpio Turnir. In the summer of 1998 the production of Scorpio stopped, and the European branch of Ford has decided to make the leader of the firm's model Mondeo.
Since the middle of 1980-ies issued the «Taurus» (Taurus). This model was named Car of 1986, and in 1987 he became a bestseller in America. Streamlined car smuggle futuristic design with beautiful names of the Taurus and Sable, become a major milestone on the way of transition of the Ford motor company to produce a new generation of machines 80-ies - efficient (in full accordance with the standards, established by the Congress), high-tech and aesthetically perfect.
In the same year, a purchase of 75% of the shares in the company Aston Martin-Lagonda.
The purchase of the company «Jaguar» in 1990, further enhances the range of Ford models, in the comfort nothing reminiscent of the «tin Lizzy», and in a year for the issue of a multi-purpose pastors Ford Galaxy created a joint venture with the German Corporation Volkswagen.
The company is open for innovation and change; interestingly, Ford Motor company, a pioneer in the introduction of the pipeline, the first among the large corporations and refused it, because modern working better doing the work, in which there is an element of independent creativity.
Ford Explorer, which made its debut in January of 1990, on the dimension is located between the competing models Blazer and Tahoe and for many years is the most popular among all SUV's in the North American market (about 400 thousand per year). The debut of the new generation of Explorer in the 2001 model year.
In 1993 he published a model Ford Mondeo, which immediately established a new security standards in its class. Already in the following year this car logically was voted Car of the year in Europe and became a favorite among buyers. In 1994, the new has also become a minibus Windstar. In the same year, a purchase of the remaining shares of the company Aston Martin-Lagonda.
Ford Windstar was first shown in January 1994. In 1998, the model was restyling. Available in Canada.
The first show of the model Ford EUROPE Galaxy took place in February 1995 in Geneva. At the Geneva motor show in 2000 was presented to the upgraded model with a new design.
In 1996, the Assembly line of the company came 250 million car and much more. Began implementation of the model Ka.
Ford EUROPE Puma, sports coupe small class created on the basis of the Ford Fiesta, for the first time was presented at the Geneva motor show in March 1997.
FORD Focus, by long tradition bears the name of Turnier. The European premiere of the pastors with a body hatchback took place in the beginning of 1998 in Geneva.
In 1998. Ford Motor Company is becoming the 2nd largest producer of passenger and freight car nines by the cumulative indicator.
In 2000, the international jury of 126 aVtomobilnyh journalists, summing up the results of an unprecedented competition "Car of the Century" ("Car of the century"), elected "Car of all times and peoples" of the legendary Ford T. Tin Lizzie ("Tin Lizzy") became the first car pastors, Assembly, which was organized on the Assembly line on a mass scale. The new method allowed us to begin serial production of machines, improve their quality and reduce cost. It is a conveyor belt Assembly made much more car means of transport, and accessible to all. And the first in a series of really serial machines stood Fordist model.
Compact SUV Ford Escape was first introduced as a prototype in January 2000 in Detroit. The development was carried out jointly with Mazda. Production car nines is conducted at the factory in Kansas city.
Ford EUROPE Maverick, compact four-wheel drive SUV, the European counterpart of the Ford Escape. C 2000, produced jointly with the firm Mazda based on the Mazda Tribute. The new Ford Maverick combines the attributes of an SUV and highway pastors.
2001. - The company is a fundamentally new model Ford Mondeo. Its appearance can be considered a revolutionary event. This much more car, developed by the European division of Ford Motor Company, was established on the basis of a fundamentally new design technologies. The essence of this technological revolution - in a powerful software product, which has received the name of the token, which is a complex of systems of computer-aided design, computer-aided design and an extensive database of information.
Today, the Ford Motor Company has its own production, Assembly and shopping centres in 30 countries of the world. The company annually produces millions of car and car smuggle, trucks and tractors and is the leader aVtomobilnyh sales outside of North America. Ford Motor Company sells more than 70 different models of machines around the world, produced under the trademarks of ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Jaguar and Aston Martin. The company also has shares in Mazda Motor Corporation and Kia Motors n.Corporatio
In «the big three» American aVtomobilnogo business «Ford Motor» won the second place on sales volume.

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